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View selected projects below. Many Other Projects can be found at Priyansh_Github.

3D Enviornment Build form Multiple 2D Images

• The Idea to build this Project is to understand how google maps/earth create a 3D enviornment object using multiple 2D static images.

• This Project aims to build a 3D Scad file and Point Cloud representation to view a 3D enviornment from multiple 2D Images (Front view, Top view, Side view).

• The Project recognize 2D shapes from a given input images and Then Combine multiple images to convert into 3D solids using suitable combining algorithms like Rotation and Translation, Parent-Child Concept, etc.

• The Final result is a SCAD File which can be used to interact with 3D enviornment.

• Technology Used : Python 3, OpenCV, Point Cloud

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Steganography Tools

• The Idea to build this Project is to understand and develop a tool to perform multiple steganography techniques like Image, Text, Audio and Video.

• Project hides the text message within a Image , Text file, Audio file or a Video file by using different efficient algorithms like LSB change, Zero Width Character, etc. to generate a Stego file (Embedded and Encrypted File).

• This Stego file can be replaced with original file with negligible changes that can be observed by any intruder.

• The receiver after receiving the Stego file can apply decryption algorithm to extract the hidden message from file.

• Technology Used : Python 3 , Cryptographic Techniques ( RC4 Algorithm )

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Covid 19 Predictor

• The Idea to build this Project is to build a Web App that uses Machine learning model, that can be used in heatlcare Industry.

• During the current pandemic situation where after 2019, every year we are facing a new varient of covid 19, it is very important to ensure correct precautions and safety.

• To ensure that, I developed a Microsoft Azure Web App based on the Random Forest Classier Model that helps the user to identify whether someone is showing positive Covid symptoms or not using pre-defined data-set on patients.

• The user need to input details regarding his health condition and symptoms and based on those the web app will predict the condition and asiistance required for the user.

• Technology Used : Azure Web Services, Python 3, Kaggle Datasets, Machine learning model ( Random Forest Classifier )

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