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Work Experience

Software Development Engineer Intern ( Internship )
02/2023 - Present
  • Will develop and work on development of Mobile SIM card integration and E-SIM for multiple sim                     operator.
  • Will learn Industry application and implementation of Java, Web services and REST API.

  • Vinsol
    Software Development Engineer Intern ( Internship )
    Vinsol | STADIUM
    06/2022 - 07/2022
  • Developed and improved performance of projects based on Ruby on Rails and Performed Automation           Testing using Selenium and Cucumber.
  • Learned Bash and Ruby Scripting Language and implementation of Ruby in software development and         automation testing.
  • Internship Certificate : Link

  • Microsoft
    Software Developer Virtual Internship ( Internship )
    10/2021 - 12/2021
  • Developed industry based project to solve real world problem using power of Microsoft Azure and                 GitHub Tools.
  • Learned in demand azure cloud and security skills and Developed a Web App on Heath Care Industry to       help in detecting Covid-19 by symptoms.
  • Internship Certificate : Link